Skulduggery Pleasant, is a fire throwing, wise cracking, snappy dresser detective that will do anything necessary to stop the faceless ones, a bunch of immortal gods that can only be destroyed with the Scepter (a weapon that can destroy anything in its path). Oh ya Skulduggery Pleasant is also dead. With the help of his partner, Valkyrie Cain, a Elemental like her trainer Skulduggery Pleasant, they will uncover the mystery of the deaths of all the teleporters in the world. Only one 17 year old teleporter with no training is left and is in danger.
Soon after Skulduggery Pleasant and Valkyrie Cain find the teleporter and brought him to safety an old friend comes back from the grave (or from being a statue) and togetter they will save the world but lose a dead friend.
I like this book because it has a lot of mystery that turns into unexpected answers, fantasies with a fire throwing skeleton, and adventure with hand to hand combat in it.