Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Dandy dan
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
other peoples ad
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Ask any question or lie
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Jonas's Jounal
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Advertising writing
Are your basket ball shoes bad, do they heart your feet, well wait no more because the new BBS 5000 is better then anything you have. It has the best squeky sounds in the world, a sweet style that makes other peoples shoes look like thrash, and comes in 3 different custom colors Blue and wite, Red and black only for 20 RP . Get in now and get a 50% discount. BBS
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Something random

The Giver summery
Monday, April 19, 2010

The picture is when the cops are catching Sean because they think he is faking his powers. Also in this episode.
Monday, April 12, 2010
6 Elements of a mystery
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Beyond the spiderwick chronicles
A second series, entitled Beyond the Spiderwick Chronicles, has also been written, with The Nixie's Song published in September 2007, A Giant Problem published in September 2008, and The Wyrm King published in September 2009.
The main cahrictor is a 11-year-old boy named Nick Vargas and lives with his brother, Jules, weird stepsister, Laurie, dad, Paul, and stepmom, Charlene, in his father's housing development. Laurie has read the Spiderwick Chronicles and believes in faeries. Nick thinks she is "lame" and wishes she would leave him alone. After finding a four-leafed clover (which allow people to see faeries) he sees a strange creature (later revealed to be a nixie) unconscious in his yard which he and Laurie carry into a nearby lake. The next day, the nixie, Taloa, gives Nick and Laurie the sight and sends them to find her six sisters who were separated when their pond was destroyed. Later they find the fireblasted pond and there are attacked by a giant creature they mistook for a hill.
They escape the giant when it is lured by Taloa's singing and becomes calm. They decide to ask the authors of the Chronicles for advice at a book signing and convince Jules to drive them. Once there, they are disappointed when the adults don't believe them and run into Jared and Simon Grace who decide to help them. Jared tells them about a giant expert who lived nearby and they plan to meet at his address. The place appears to be deserted and the kids take several papers including a diagram of a giant trap. While the giant is hypnotized by the nixie's song, the three kids tie the giant up. It thrashes around, strangling itself with the cords, and the kids are horrified at what they've done. Then an old man walks up and tells them that the giant isn't really dead and kills it with a machete. He also explains that he is a giant hunter and this is only the first of many giants to wake up and unless they help him, all of Florida will be destroyed.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Vocab 7
Hatch- This has 2 meanings. 1- When an egg shell has been broken because the baby bird is braking out.2- a hatch on a ship.
Out Of the blue- Mean kind of out of no where, random, or just changing the subject.
Chateau- It is french for a big, nice house, not a castle but more of a mansion
Orientate- To make your way around. Like when you are new, the school sometimes shows you around the campus.
Preserve- To keep something in it's original form. Like In Si-Fi movies when someone is put in a capsule and he never changes.
Fault- A fault is something like a mistake(Ex-When you get in trouble it would be your fault). Or the faults in the Earths structure.
Thunderous- To speak in a loud and unpleasant tone.
Contradiction- To start an argument.
Hesitantly-To do something slowly because you are scared or nerves(to hesitate basically) .
Old movie, Graet story
when I was young I use to Watch this movie called "Titan A.E." and
it was one of the best movies I have seen. If you don't want to read all of this go to the botom of the page to make a long story short
In 3028 A.D. humanity has deep space travel and interacted with several alien species; however, a human experimental discovery called "Project Titan" has caused the Drej, a species made of pure energy, to become alarmed and attack the human race. As the Drej prepare to destroy Earth, Professor Sam Tucker, the lead researcher for "Project Titan", gives his son Cale (along with a broken toy/project/console called "TITAN PRO") a ring and sends Cale on one of the evacuation ships with his alien friend Tek the University Student. Meanwhile Sam Tucker takes the TITAN Pro and other members of his team fly the Titan spacecraft from Earth and into Hyperspace. The Drej destroy Earth, and the remainder of the human species become drifters and are generally ridiculed by other species..
Fifteen years after Earth's destruction, Cale, now working in a Salvage yard in an asteroid belt called Tau 14, encounters the human Captain Joseph Korso, who requests Cale's help to find the Titan. Cale is initially reluctant but agrees when Korso activates Cale's ring to show a map on his hand leading to the Titan. The yard is attacked by Drej, and the two escape on Korso's ship, the Valkyrie. Cale is introduced to the other members of Korso's alien crew, including his sly first mate Preed, an astrogator called Gune, and a cranky female weapon expert named Stith. The only other human is co-pilot Akima, whom Cale finds himself immediately attracted to. Korso explains that Professor Tucker encoded a map in Cale's ring that will lead them to the Titan, which is humanity's only chance at having a real future. They travel to the planet Sesharrim, where the bat-like Gaoul race helps Cale to understand how to interpret the map, and discover the Titan to be hidden in the Andali Nebula. As the group is leaving, they are attacked by the Drej, and Cale and Akima are captured. The Drej eventually discard Akima, sending her off into space in a pod, while they extract the Titan map from Cale. Cale eventually escapes in a Drej fighter and regroups with the Valkyrie, learning that Akima's pod was located and she was recovered successfully. The Valkyrie is able to reach the human drifter colony called New Bankok to make repairs and prepare for the final trip to the Titan, however, Cale and Akima overhear an argument between Korso and the Drej Queen, and discover that Korso and Preed are working with the Drej to try to destroy the Titan in exchange for money; they escape from the Valkyrie but Akima is shot and wounded by Preed in the chase. They are stranded on the colony as Korso and the rest continue to the Titan's location. With the help of the other humans, Cale and Akima repair and refit the Phoenix, one of the colony's derelict spaceships, and race off to find the Titan before the Valkyrie reaches it.
Amid the Andali Nebula's giant ice crystals, Cale and Akima find and board the Titan. During their exploration of the massive ship, they discover a holographic message left by Cale's now-deceased father and left the console TITAN PRO, which reveals the true nature of Project Titan and the Titan itself: the ship has the ability to create a completely new, Earth-like planet, and has stores of all the DNA of the animal and plant life that once lived on Earth. This ability to create a new planet from scratch is the reason that the Drej feared humanity's potential enough to destroy Earth. Cale's father also explains that in its escape from the destruction of Earth, the Titan has run out of power, and can't currently execute the process of creating a planet. Cale's father's message is interrupted by Korso, who has arrived with the Valkyrie and the rest of its crew.
Korso and Preed have disembarked, leaving Stith and Gune behind with the intent to get rid of them by planting a bomb inside Stith's wrist-communicator; Gune, however, discovers the detonator in time and throws it down a corridor, saving Stith but suffering seemingly fatal injuries. Back aboard the Titan, Preed turns on Korso, revealing that after Korso and the Drej Queen fell out, the latter approached Preed with a deal to kill all the humans in exchange for his own life and a wealthy sum. A tussle ensues, and Korso kills Preed in combat. Korso then attempts to steal Cale's ring but falls over the edge of the bridge, disappearing into the depths of the ship below. Before Cale can recover, they learn the Drej are attacking the Titan, and gain the help of the other Valkyrie crew to defend it (including Gune, who unexpectedly recovered from his wounds in the meantime). Cale comes up with a plan; remembering Korso's advice that the Drej are pure energy, he could reconfigure the Titan's power system to harness that energy and start the planet-creation process. Unfortunately, one of three critical circuit breakers malfunctions, forcing Cale to go outside and activate it manually while Akima and Stith attempt to fight off the Drej. Korso reappears and offers to redeem himself by sacrificing his life to complete the circuit while Cale returns to the bridge to activate the Titan. With the ship active, the Drej are disintegrated and drawn into its engines, Korso is apparently electrocuted, and the ice field is used to create a new planet.
As Cale and Akima step onto the new planet, Cale decides to call it "Bob". The film ends with Cale and Akima romantically embracing each other, the surviving crew of the Valkyrie flying off, and other ships with human colonies approach "New Earth" (aka Planet Bob) to start their new lives. It is the year 16 A.E.
To sum it all up old earth go boom, people find titan, people make new earth, some one name it Bob
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Why Haiti is poor
1)There are groups of rich people that control half of the countries wealth.
2)Europeans dictators stole money from the country and left the people very poor.
3)Outside forces stop Haiti from advancing or from improving.
4)French Plantation owners get REALLY rich by working the slavs in haiti to death.
5)Haiti started to gr H.I.V(aids).
6)Soil erosion had killed all the mangroves, and coral reefs.
7)U.S.A took over Haiti.
8)Haiti had to go thtough a civil war.
9)Haiti started to cut down there forets to make charcoal.
10)After independence, haiti was struggling with corruption.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Update in Haiti

Thursday, January 14, 2010
Haiti Earthquake 2010

Monday, January 11, 2010
Sunday, January 10, 2010
39 clues In Too Deep by Jude Watson *****

What smells like wet dog? Oh
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Day one of making a dog house
My sister in Singapore
2 friends over... at 2 diferent times
nothing existing happened
Monday, January 4, 2010
It is 2010 and a start of a new year
From: Nathan
It's Christmas time, it's Christmas time
Well now to Christmas its self. Well we all got things we wanted. I got a new 39 clues book that my grandma got me(she lives in Canada so it was in a parcel) my sister got red lickerish from all the way from Canada(my grandma sent it too) we also got this HUGE present and it was a video game set called "Band Hero". I also got candy- oops i said too much now my friend will be on the hunt for it. Just joking but seriously he is addicted to candy. That night my family got together to have a Christmas dinner. So it was a pretty normal Christmas for me.
from: Nathan