Before there was tens of thousands of deaths in this quake but now they know it is around 200,000 deaths. The people have alot of aid but verey few people are getting it, this bottel neck is their airport. It is too small for all the aid to come throw and there is alot of help comeing from WFP, and other programs. People were bring helicopter that had food, water, and other things. One helicopter couldn't land so they had to drop it down.
This is really true about the aiport being small. If you go on Google Earth and look at their airport, it is just a single strip. Can you imagine all the big planes trying to get in there? Bottleneck certainly does describe it.
Nice information, Nathan. I am Phillip Ku of TAS. Thanks for posting this entry because this let me learned more about the earthquake and how is the refugees are doing. Bye!
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