Monday, January 4, 2010

It's Christmas time, it's Christmas time

Oh man Christmas morning was the best part of the of the week...well Christmas morning is the only morning I like(besides birthday mornings) but Twas Night Before Christmas that I got to have some pumpkin pie with my friends. I will tell you about Christmas morning later. It was Christmas Eve night and i had dinner with my friends Sammy V(the V part is there because of old habits), Jason,mu sister and a friend of Sammy's. We all had dinner together(parent away from us)and it was a good dinner. We (meaning my dad) made some pumpkin pie and brought it to the dinner. After dinner(i can still taste it in my mouth, yum) we all exchanged gifts.

Well now to Christmas its self. Well we all got things we wanted. I got a new 39 clues book that my grandma got me(she lives in Canada so it was in a parcel) my sister got red lickerish from all the way from Canada(my grandma sent it too) we also got this HUGE present and it was a video game set called "Band Hero". I also got candy- oops i said too much now my friend will be on the hunt for it. Just joking but seriously he is addicted to candy. That night my family got together to have a Christmas dinner. So it was a pretty normal Christmas for me.

from: Nathan

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